Friday, July 24, 2009

500 Days of Summer

After anticipating the arrival of this film ... I was disappointed (not in my love for Zooey since I am head over heels in love with She & Him and M. Ward etc. etc. ) but the fact that it is playing nowhere near Philadelphia! However, I am heading to North Carolina for a little beach vacation and perhaps I will find a theater on the way? More posts to come starting in August!

ps. I just started dorm room shopping... what is one thing you wish you had your first few weeks or something you found essential to living happily in a room made for 1/2 of a person; yet, there are two of you in there?

(Above taken at an antique show outside of Hasselt, Belgium and below taken at a fountain in front of the Louvre Paris, France from a recent vacation)


  1. hey! I'm also a new blogger (:
    I don't know much about living in dorms, but I would guess storage bins like flat plastic bins you can store under your bed for clothes or etc..


  2. wow, great photos. especially the above one. you should post more photos!

  3. i would really think about bringing extra bins to college and drawers for clothes... i was suprised how much i fit into a tiny space

  4. welcome to the blogging world!:) my advice, is to just be consistent, dont feel pressure to constantly update, and write about something that other people aren't talking about!

    as for the dorm siutation (good luck! i loved my dorm days).. i would suggest a throw blanket so when people come and hang out they dont have to sit on top of your bed, also hunting for some cheap fabric by the yard-- my roomie and i made some faux valance things that made the room feel a bit more homey
