Friday, July 24, 2009

500 Days of Summer

After anticipating the arrival of this film ... I was disappointed (not in my love for Zooey since I am head over heels in love with She & Him and M. Ward etc. etc. ) but the fact that it is playing nowhere near Philadelphia! However, I am heading to North Carolina for a little beach vacation and perhaps I will find a theater on the way? More posts to come starting in August!

ps. I just started dorm room shopping... what is one thing you wish you had your first few weeks or something you found essential to living happily in a room made for 1/2 of a person; yet, there are two of you in there?

(Above taken at an antique show outside of Hasselt, Belgium and below taken at a fountain in front of the Louvre Paris, France from a recent vacation)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Opening Day

After reading blogs for countless hours and days I've decided to begin my own. Welcome.

I will soon be a freshman at a university located in the city of Pittsburgh majoring in Anthropology and Art History with a minor in French. I intend to use this blog as a spot to share my love of music, desserts, fashion, and things that bring a smile to just about anyone. Here are five things that I am currently in love with: Margot and the Nuclear So and So's song Skeleton Key, cupcakes with pink frosting, h&m's new high waisted skirts, my new macbook pro, and floral arrangements.

(The photo above was taken during a recent trip to Bruges, Belgium)